Tixeo Meeting Management Server
Tixeo Communication Server
Tixeo Communication Client
v17.1.9.1 (19/12/2024)
TMMS Fix: The sender’s email address is not the one entered in the settings
TCC Impossible to join meeting by Pincode if main TCS is not accessible
TCC Windows: Graphic problems and slow performance
TCC Windows: Can’t test speaker and microphone
TCC Windows: No sound for notifications
v17.1.9 (19/11/2024)
TMMS Complete email redesign
TMMS Add all meeting info and user connection info to the TMMS details page
TMMS The support page can be customised
TMMS Display recording download jobs in "Service jobs"
TMMS Cleanup of gateway file jobs and gateway jobs when deleting gateway server
TMMS When changing the password, do not allow the same value as before.
TMMS Removing samba support for file storage
TMMS Improve meetings export:
Add creator email
Distinction between the date of the last meeting and the date of the last call
TCC Retrocompatibility folder can be personalized
TMMS Fix: Incorrect statistics when the selected period covers several weeks or months
TMMS Fix: could not add an attendee in ongoing meeting if someone is connected via pin code
TMMS Fix: webview for recordings is not responsive on mobile screens
TMMS Fix: gateway jobs blocked in "in progress" status are deleted instead of being rescheduled
TMMS Fix: download gdpr texts button is broken in settings
TMMS Fix: metricserver update failed
TMMS Fix: Failed to install metricserver and TMMS on the same server
TMMS Fix: SAML authentification failed with Azure
TMMS Fix: User accounts blocked after invalidation operation by administrator
TCC Fix: Display messages’s notifications when the TCC is in background
TCC Fix: During a call, pick up on desktop let mobile ring
TCC Fix: Linux: Granting organizer rights can cause a crash of the TCC
TCC Fix: Join a meeting with PinCode using relay can fail
v17.1.8.1 (23/10/2024)
TMMS Fix: User blocked after invalidate password by admin
TCC Fix: SSO: User is not reconnected automatically when logging with SSO SAML
TCC Fix: Windows: Improve Outlook plugin
v17.1.8 (30/09/2024)
TMMS New service nammed Notification to provide metrics on the sending of e-mails and mobile notifications.
TMMS Add a button to reset a TCS connection and improve TCS websockat authentication
TMMS Option to enable debug level logs for email sending
TMMS Allow AD authentication without userPrincipalName field
TMMS Option to use OpenID user token to request SCIM directory server
TMMS Improved LDAP authentication by eliminating TCS authentication attempts
TMMS Many improvements of the TMMS user interface:
In the services page, add button and selector to change refresh period
Add a waiting message on the password change page
Add a quality filter to the meeting search
Improve meeting search performance
TCC Add a parameter to allow user to connect directly using SSO
TMMS Fix: LDAP (OpenLDAP) authentication fail
TMMS Fix: Captcha is not taken as input on OTP authentication
TMMS Fix: TCS websocket authentication can fail
TMMS Fix: Send email with LTS fail
TMMS Fix: Exception when search base in directory settings is not a group
TMMS Fix: Update tomcat service fail on windows system
TMMS Fix: Discussions are slow to be displayed
TMMS Fix: wrong message on webrtc access failure
TCC Fix: Remove annoying popup when no devices are detected
TCC Fix: Custom theme colors are not fully applied
TCC Fix: SSO webpage is not shown correctly
TCC Fix: Captcha are not shown when logging through OTP
TCC Fix: OSX: Window resizing is incorrect and contents stay in top-left position
TCC Fix: Mobile: Keyboard appears and disappears when searching in directory contact list
TCC Fix: Android: Translations are not shown correctly
TMMS Upgraded several libraries and Tomcat
v17.1.7 (01/08/2024)
TMMS Add one-time password authentication (OTP)
TMMS Simplify signup process with the use of an OTP code to validate the new account
TMMS Add whitelist domain feature: only the domains of the e-mail addresses in this list are authorized.
TMMS Add user source type on subscription organizers CSV export
TMMS On subscription contacts CSV export, add contact type, last login date and registration date
TMMS Add the device list for a user with the ability to revoke a device
TMMS Add export of top5 organizers of subscription and top5 subscriptions of server
TMMS Many improvements of the TMMS user interface:
Integrate the new Tixeo logo
Change font to "open sans"
On users list, add a default search field based on first name, last name and email in addition to the filters.
On users list, add button to reset password for selected users
Improved display on services page
Improved statistics loading on dashboard
TMMS Add new page Gateway jobs
TCC Improvements of the TCC user interface:
Integrate the new Tixeo logo
Change font to "open sans"
TCC Allow user to authenticate with "One Time Password"
TCC Always update host app if TMMS version is different (or ETag change)
TMMS Fix: No meeting invitation e-mail sent when the new contact’s e-mail address contains a special character
TMMS Fix: Test mail settings feature is not working with existing settings with authentication
TMMS Fix: Missing button for deleting organizers from a CSV file
TMMS Fix: Call-type meetings do not appear in the meetings graph.
TMMS Fix: No e-mail sent for unknown users blocked on the forgotten password page
TMMS Fix: In discussions, some messages are marked as read while not
TMMS Fix: Link from main menu could not be opened in a new tab
TCC Fix: Improve error message when meeting has ended
TCC Fix: Host address in proxy settings displays only last digits
TCC Fix: Screen sharing and video quality is poor when DPI is not 100%
TCC Fix: Ringtones are too short
TMMS Send notification mail when a new device connects to a user account
v17.1.6 (11/06/2024)
TixeoGateway Introduce Gateway Server for managing gateways:
Load balancing
Fault tolerance
Improved resources usage
Resources pooling
TMMS Support new Gateway Server
TMMS Add a page to list scheduled system tasks
TMMS Export changes:
Execute all CSV exports in a separate task
Retrieve file from the new export page
Export task history in the new export page
Add export of subscription managers
TMMS Separate calls from meetings in statistics
TMMS Many improvements of the TMMS user interface:
Display total number of users on user list
Add filters to the user list
Add a test mail to check SMTP settings
Add a search test to check directory settings
Improvements on the contact list with LDAP Group
Improvements of the services page
TCC Allow users to mention someone in the secure chat
TCC Add new platform: macOS ARM64
TMMS Fix: Recurring meeting not stopped correctly when stopped at it’s very beginning
TMMS Fix: SSO authentication (OpenID & SAML) sometime fails when TMMS and IDP clocks are not perfectly synced
TMMS Fix: Missing pagination for subscription managers
TCC Fix: Special chars are not correctly encoded in meeting name
TCC Fix: Auto-connect using SAML can fail
TMMS Add new separated URLs for admin related webservices
TCC Improve storage of proxy credentials when set manually
v17.1.5 (23/04/2024)
TMMS Improved the TMMS user interface (statistics page)
TMMS Improved statistics performance
TMMS When a meeting is modified, the sender of the e-mail corresponds to the person who made the modification.
TCC Possibility to add a master config file near the W3DClient binary
TCC Allow user to share files directly from OODrive (must be connected through OODrive SSO)
TCC After generating a report from Settings, ask user if he want open the folder containing reports
TCC Desktop: Add a context popup to "Copy" text from secure chat
TMMS Fix: User not disconnected after email migration
TMMS Fix: Session not invalidated when administrator changes user password
TMMS Fix: Authentication page can be validated with empty fields
TMMS Fix: Directory setup failure with LDAPS server
TMMS Fix: Definition of contacts list from LDAP is not working
TMMS Fix: No mail sent when deleting a meeting from administration page
TMMS Fix: ActiveDirectory authentication failed when domain and search base are different
TMMS Fix: Email migration fails with a user manager account
TMMS Fix: Old meeting url (before 17.1.2) is not redirected to new meeting url
TCC Fix: Window title is not refreshed after usage of Expert mode
TCC Fix: Shared screen is frozen when switching to multimedia mode
TCC Fix: Can’t connect to a PinCode meeting outside the organization when the meeting is hosted on internal TCS
TCC Fix: Activities list is loaded several times if just few activities exist
TCC Fix: Hyperlinks can be broken in secure chat
TCC Fix: Impossible for user to scroll up in the discussion if it contains lots of messages
TCC Fix: Sender name is truncated when sending file in chat
TCC Fix: Secure chat message items can have an incorrect height
TCC Fix: w3d links are not read correctly when using retrocompatibility
TCC Fix: Windows: Highlight of speaking attendee is not working correctly
TCC Fix: Windows: Retrocompatibility can raise error when starting TCC
TCC Fix: Mobile: Participation requests don’t have a correct visual notification
TCC Fix: Android: Don’t use notifications system if Google Mobile Services libraries are not available on the device
TMMS Upgraded several libraries and Tomcat
TMMS Several library updates
TCC Hardening up on signatures certificates
v17.1.4.1 (19/03/2024)
TCC Redesign of the Webview loading page
TMMS Fix: Invalid CSV export of meetings when using date filter
TMMS Fix: Users are not able to create an discussion from contact scene
TCC Fix: Wrong client state after using proxy
TCC Fix: Improve popup error message after connection using SSO
TCC Fix: Error with PinCode and relaying connection into another TCS
v17.1.4 (12/03/2024)
TMMS Management of rememberMe authentication token for SSO
TMMS Many improvements of the TMMS user interface (download page, translations, display …)
TMMS Add hand raising for users connecting via WebRTC
TCC Windows: Boost UI rendering performances (use of Skia engine with GPU acceleration)
TCC Improve visual clues that there is people in the waiting room
TCC Add emojis in secure chat
TMMS Fix: SSO authentication is done in a popup, but should be done on same page
TMMS Fix: No TCS zone selection for unauthenticated users
TMMS Fix: User account timezone not applied on date display
TMMS Fix: WebRTC preview and settings page is broken when device (microphone or webcam) is not allowed or accessible
TMMS Fix: Improve microphone and video icons visibility in WebRTC preview
TMMS Fix: Invalid field in CSV export of users
TMMS Fix: On Windows, the TMMS service may freeze on startup
TMMS Fix: Update failure on Redhat systems (RPM) in some cases
TMMS Fix: Unable to define an LDAP group as a contact list on a subscription
TMMS Fix: Improved loading time for discussions
TMMS Fix: Error message is not explicit when authentication fails because of required captcha
TMMS performance improvements:
Database transactions optimization when viewing statistics
Limitation on CSV exports to reduce the amount of data to be extracted from the DB and avoid crashing the server
TCC Fix: Switching to another TCS zone during a meeting does not working correctly
TCC Fix: User is disconnected when trying to call back a missed call
TCC Fix: User account is disconnected on system resume after sleep, because of some webservice errors
TCC Fix: w3d links data is lost when using version management
TCC Fix: Notifications not shown correctly after switching to another server or account
TCC Fix: Application or screen sharing has too much empty space around
TixeoGateway Fix: "hand", "!hand" messages sent in WebRTC chat when a user with TCC uses "raise hand"
TMMS Use JRE instead of JDK and update to the latest release of LTS (21)
TMMS Several other security enforcements (contact us for details)
v17.1.3.2 (19/02/2024)
TCC Improve protection on discussions
v17.1.3.1 (06/02/2024)
TCC Fix: User can be disconnected after long time of inactivity in meeting
v17.1.3 (23/01/2024)
TMMS Add setting to map phone number to language (Gateway PSTN IN)
TMMS Improvements of the TMMS user interface
TMMS New settings for GDPR: edition in different languages of the texts displayed when registering
TCC Complete redesign of the secure chat
TCC Quick choice of TMMS address
TCC Allow user to see GDPR info while creating an account
TMMS Fix: Settings inversion between "Enable PSTN IN" and "Enable PSTN OUT"
TMMS Fix: Missing log file when installing TMMS on Windows
TMMS Fix: Resources not released when using the recorder on a call
TMMS Fix: Incorrect ICS file when duplicating a recurring meeting
TMMS Fix: Filter not working on the TMMS administration services page
TMMS Fix: Exception when adding or accessing an organization having a special character in the name
TMMS Fix: Duplicated meetings end abruptly
TCS Fix: Installer form is truncated and does not show all the options
TCC Fix: "Browse" button on chat message does not work
v17.1.2.7 (09/02/2024)
TCC Improve protection on discussions
v17.1.2.6 (not delivred)
TCC Fix: User can be disconnected after long time of inactivity in meeting
v17.1.2.5 (24/01/2024)
TCC Fix: Popup notifications are too big on VideoTouch
v17.1.2.4 (22/12/2023)
TMMS Fix: bad FR translation for encryption
TCC Fix: Windows: Wrong CPU measurement
TCC Fix: MacOS: Compatibility problem when connecting to TMMS versions older than 17.1.0
v17.1.2.3 (20/12/2023)
TMMS Fix: Gateway and SSO connection fails
v17.1.2.2 (15/12/2023)
TMMS update is required because of DB changes. |
TMMS Fix: Failed to join a meeting with PIN code from TMMS web page
TMMS Fix: Exception when consulting subscriptions for the subscription manager.
TMMS Fix: Subscription managers unable to consult subscription meetings.
v17.1.2.1 (13/12/2023)
TMMS Fix: Subscription update doesn’t work: stacking of new subscriptions instead of updating current subscription.
v17.1.2 (12/12/2023)
TMMS Complete redesign of TMMS interface
TMMS Add user type information (Internal, LDAP, SSO) to CSV export
TCC In case of "Captcha needed", the user can unlock his account directly from the TCC
TCC Improvement of the meeting fusion mode (hover on bubbles, sharing bubbles can be clicked)
TCC Allow attendee to raise hand
TMMS Fix: Some statistics are too long to show, and sometimes show wrong value (more to come)
TCC Fix: After downloading a file from the secure chat, clicking on the filename doesn’t open it
TCC Fix: A black screen appears after minimizing or closing the application
TCC Fix: Wrong aspect ratio on virtual background
TCC Fix: Windows: Impossible to uninstall after an update (unins000.msg is missing)
TCC Fix: Windows: File SpeakersTest.wav not found when user tries to test his speakers
TCC Fix: Windows: Outlook plugin is not correctly updated and stays in older version
TCC Fix: OSX: After an update, the TCC automatically tries to connect to Tixeo Cloud
TCC Fix: OSX: The option to launch the TCC at startup can open more than one client
TMMS Upgrade JDK version to the latest release of LTS (17)
TMMS Remove password when changing user from internal to external source (LDAP, SSO…)
TMMS Option to hide reset link when a manager resets the user’s password
TMMS Several other security enforcements (contact us for details)
TCC Enhanced meeting security: Transform your end-to-end meeting encryption key with an additional user-only know secret
v17.1.1 (30/10/2023)
TMMS Rename screen sharing features: "Enable" instead of "Disable"
TMMS Add settings to join a meeting by phone (Gateway PSTN IN)
TCC Allow user to create a meeting that can be join by phone
TCC Allow user to add a contact from LDAP/AD or SCIM directories
TCC Add options in config file to disable audio processing
TCC In addition of the icons, add captions in the main menu
TCC Meeting wizard show video in 16/9 format and can stay always visible
TCC Split the Kiosk mode option in different features
TCC Add an option in the TCC settings to allow user to delete his account
TCC Desktop: Add speaker device selection directly in meeting
TCC Windows: Add a new file explorer to send files in meeting
TCC Android: Add a button to switch between bluetooth and speaker
TixeoGateway New gateway PSTN IN
TixeoGateway Windows: Remove the use of regsvr32 process
TMMS Fix: TMMS server not responding if LDAP is enabled and the LDAP server is unreachable.
TCS Fix: Linux: some files still have wrong rights after install or update
TCC Fix: Popup notifications takes the focus
TCC Fix: Can’t select the text in the server address edit after switching from public to private server
TCC Fix: Minimize the TCC during an application sharing hides it definitively
TCC Fix: Multimedia sharing limited at 18 FPS
TCC Fix: Wrong aspect ratio on virtual background
TCC Fix: Desktop: Keyboard keys not transmitted correctly to xterm during application sharing
TCC Fix: MacOS: Slow performance on rendering
TCC Fix: Windows: closing a notification generates a bugreport (descriptor not valid)
TCC Fix: Windows: blank webview if Edge is missing
TCC Fix: Windows: AppLocker blocks install because some files are not correctly signed
TCC Fix: Android: wav file not found
TixeoOutlookPlugin wrong server selection force user to use public server as private
TCC Update OpenSSL version to 3.1
TCC Android: remove unused permissions (read_calendar and write_calendar)
v17.1.0.2 (12/10/2023)
TCC Fix: Mobile: User isn’t automatically connected on private TMMS server at app startup, even if previously authenticated
TCC Fix: Mobile: Push notifications doesn’t work correctly
v17.1.0.1 (03/10/2023)
TCC Fix: iOS: using a custom theme freeze the app
v17.1.0 (19/09/2023)
TMMS Contact search in LDAP/AD or SCIM directories
TMMS On an LDAP/AD configuration, the organizer group can now include sub-groups
TCC Contacts from LDAP/AD/SCIM directories can be invited to join a meeting or a discussion
TCC The current version of the TCC is now visible in the window caption
TCC When already connected, allow user to force the connection to a meeting (will disconnect the previous)
TCC Introduce a version management to allow TCC to connect to TMMS with older or more recent versions
TCC Add the possiblity to be in meeting in audio-mode only to reduce bandwidth usage
TCC Split call button to allow users to do an audio or video call
TCC Merge all config files (.xml, .ini’s) inside one unique config.ini
TCC Change the config file location to simplify the usage of the TCC as a virtual application
TCC Allow users to have multiple private servers saved in the config file
TMMS Fix: no email sent when a non validated user clik on forgot password
TMMS Fix: Error message when activation page is opened several times
TMMS Fix: User account validation fails if the email entered contains capital letters
TixeoGateway Fix: regsvr32 process can stay in memory when starting/stopping a gateway or a recording
TCC Fix: translation to connect through PinCode
TCC Fix: wrong tab order to create a meeting using keyboard
TCC Fix: unins000.exe isn’t signed and uninstall the TCC can failed
TCC Fix: QUIC: auto-reconnect to a meeting restarted on another TCS doesn’t work
TCC Fix: Syslog can have a wrong log level if the value in the config file is incorrect
TCC Fix: fullscreen submenu should not stay open
TCC Fix: Windows: bugreports are generated as a .mbr files instead of .txt files
TCC Fix: QUIC fallback to HTTP doesn’t work correctly
TixeoOutlookPlugin Fix: the installer isn’t signed and the installation of the TCC can fail
v17.0.4.1 (28/07/2023)
TMMS Fix: too many logs because of exception on device information storing
TCS Fix: meeting always ended on time even if participants still inside
TCC Fix: installation blocked by AppLocker because of missing signature for TixeoOutlookPlugin
v17.0.4 (25/07/2023)
TMMS Add feature to disable screen sharing
TMMS Save user’s device information on login (platform, os, protocol)
TMMS Add a webservice to refresh JWT token
TCC Desktop: Add microphone and webcam device selection directly in meeting
TCC Desktop: Improve the wizard shown at the first meeting connection to select the devices to be used
TCC Generate and send DeviceID to TMMS (will be used in future versions to differentiate user zone)
TMMS Fix: Some translations
TMMS Fix: Failed to query the metric-server in some cases (triggers an exception)
TMMS Fix: Failed to stop a meeting with a recorder (triggers an exception)
TMMS Fix: Could not join a meeting without camera via the browser (WebRTC)
TMMS Fix: LDAP authentication fails when there are several accounts in LDAP with the same e-mail address
TMMS Fix: None activated users are deleted by default after 4 days instead of 90 days
TCS Fix: QUIC not relayed correctly for meetings > 1 day (removed system dependency)
TCC Fix: close a notification sometimes generates a bug report
TCC Fix: wrong scene routing always leads to show "Connect by PinCode"
TCC Fix: some Hungarian and German translations
TCC Fix: unexpected error on first call of VersionService
TCC Fix: Mobile: discussion scene is not correctly shown after switch from portrait to landscape
TCC Fix: auth problem leads to false positive bruteforce detection
v17.0.3 (20/06/2023)
authentication using SAML
use IDP group rather than role to identify organizers
TMMS Add the link of the download page on the login page
TMMS Added a tool in the admin area to migrate users email addresses
TMMS Added activated column in users CSV export
TCC Improve logging and bugreport to prevent too many files
TCC Improve scene animations, particularly when joining a meeting
TCC Allow user to reattach all undocked windows
TCC Windows: Add the compatibility with Jabra Panacast 50 (normal and composite mode)
TMMS Fix: task to compress and delete old TMMS log files not executed
TMMS Fix: the feature H323/SIP IN can be activated without PinCode feature
TMMS Fix: GDPR text is not displayed on the TCC when an account is created
TCC Fix: delete activities doesn’t update correctly the counter
TCC Fix: Android: login with SSO shows a blank page and cannot reconnect automatically
TCC Fix: failed to remove a custom virtual background
TCC Fix: Windows: memory leak when using QUIC network layer
TCC Fix: show an indicator when starting recording a meeting
v17.0.2 (17/05/2023)
TMMS SSO authentication using OpenID Connect
TMMS New email notification when a user becomes organizer or account manager
TMMS Display the full version on the welcome page of the TMMS
TMMS Allow account/tenant renaming
TMMS Add multiline input for adding new users or organizers
TMMS Improvement of metric-server performance
TCC Allow user to login with SSO authentication
TCC Use default name for meeting and discussion if not specified
TCC Adding the possiblity to read or remove all activities
TCC Adding policy privacy when creating an account
TMMS Fix: Administration page: failure on the test of sending mail with authentication in the settings
TMMS Fix: After the installation on Windows, the TMMS service stops after a few seconds in some cases
TMMS Fix: After the update on Linux, the subscription ID associated to the TMMS is not kept
TMMS Fix: on statistics ranking, the selected period is not applied when changing the sorting
TMMS Fix: Fail to restart metric-server service after update
TCS Fix: audio and video rights are lost at reconnection
TCC Fix: end date of a recurring meeting is one day too early
TCC Fix: accept or deny attendees in the waiting room can freeze the TCC
TCC Fix: join a meeting from email’s link connects the user by pin code instead of using his account
TCC Fix: incorrect german and hungarian translations
TCC Fix: change virtual background can freeze the TCC
TCC Fix: cancel adding a virtual background puts a gray virtual background
TCC Fix: after watching a recording, camera can’t be activated
TCC Fix: failed to duplicate a meeting if the user isn’t the previous organizer
TCC Fix: full screen sub menu panel doesn’t auto-hide
TCC Fix: wrong server selection when TMMS server takes time to answer
TCC Fix: Android: some surrogate character (emoji) cause problem in discussions
TCC Fix: Android 13+: notifications don’t work
TCC Fix: Linux: development dependency of webkit2gtk is automatically used
TCC Fix: Linux: application icon is not present on the system
TixeoOutlookPlugin Fix: plugin installer doesn’t ask to close Outlook before installing
TMMS Increase file access restrictions on the TMMS configuration file
TMMS Improvement of anti-bruteforce protection
v17.0.1 (06/04/2023)
TCC Fix: degradation of the virtual background or blurring
TCC Fix: microphone can be detected as unplugged while testing it
v17.0.0 (04/04/2023)
TMMS Simplification of meeting accessibility, when a meeting invitation email is forwarded.
TMMS Allow account deletion from "My account" page
TMMS Manage "forgot password" action for delegated anthentication (LDAP / AD)
TMMS Allow to choose prefered network layer (AUTO / HTTP1 / QUIC) for all TCC connected to the TMMS
TMMS Add a user manager role and redesign page to manage users
TMMS Add the date when a user has been granted the organizer role
TMMS Set language when a user is added from "Administration" pages
TMMS Add sorting on meeting statistics entries
TMMS On linux installations, allow to choose the installation directory and the default language of the TMMS
TMMS Multi-TMMS: Increase scalability by load-balancing on server TMMS servers
TCS Adding the possiblity on syslog to set the minimal log level
TCC Add new platform: Windows 64 bits
TCC Global graphic redesign
TCC Redefinition of the user onboarding
TCC Improved w3d links to create an account or join a meeting
TCC Password criteria are now visible when creating an user account
TCC Simplification of the co-organizer and moderator role affectation
TCC Add a waiting room for users without invitations (when allowed on the server and by the organizer)
TCC Add a wizard shown at the first meeting connection to select the devices to be used
TCC Improvement of the default devices detection
TCC Increase reliability of the network connection by using our new network layer QUIC
TCC Allow organizer to exclude an attendee
TCC Allow user to use a virtual background or blurring (Linux / MacOS / Windows 64)
TCC Add waiting message when sharing is loading
TCC Meeting’s toolbar can be aligned to top or bottom
TCC Escape key allow user to quit a conversation (fusion mode only)
TCC Screen resolution and bitrate are more visible in expert mode
TCC Contact request shows the full name of the requester
TCC Recordings can now be viewed directly from the TCC
TixeoGateway Changes on WebRTC:
only for unauthenticated user
set a nickname (as a result of the previous change)
add background blurring
allow to connect without camera or micro
TMMS Fix: invalid export of meetings containing special characters
TMMS Fix: service not starting after reboot on Linux system
TMMS Fix: recordings are not displayed in reverse chronological order (most recent at first)
TMMS Fix: the number of seats calculated is not correct for consecutive meetings
TMMS Fix: failure to create a recurring meeting when there are not enough seats available (try to create the next occurrence and notify creator)
TMMS Fix: attendees don’t receive invitation update when an attendee is added or deleted
TMMS Fix: unable to call when a maintenance period is scheduled
TMMS Fix: emails are not sent when the SMTP server is down. Add timeout on SMTP connections.
TMMS Fix: some logs are missing in the compression task and replace zip by tgz on Linux
TCS Fix: add automatic restart in case of failure
TCS Fix: change network TCS.service dependency (
TCC Fix: timeout is raised when user tries to join a meeting using the popup
TCC Fix: crash at launch on MacOS High Sierra, Mojave or Catalina
TCC Fix: authentication failed on iOS when keyChain is not accessible
TCC Fix: having multiple screen with different DPI can cause a bad mouse pointer
TCC Fix: degradation of the video when user stop and restart the camera
TCC Fix: wrong icon for Android native notification
TCC Fix: automatic reconnect fail after TMMS certificate replacement
TCC Fix: ringing continue after user hangup
TCC Fix: accents are replace by ? in the secure live chat
TCC Fix: some texts are not updated after switching language
TCC Fix: staying on deleted conversation displays an error message
TCC Fix: debian 11 crash at launch with missing library
TCC Fix: notifications can endlessly loop on iOS
TCC Fix: permission requests can block the display
TCC Fix: graphic adjustment of elements in secure chat
TCC Fix: Scrollbars are not displayed on some platforms (macOS, iOS, Android)
TMMS Improve login failure logging
TMMS Upgraded several libraries
TCS Version is not correctly shown in Windows program after an update
TCC Android now targeting SDK 31
v16.6.2.6 (28/02/2023)
TCS Fix: binary version information
TCC Fix: binary version information
TCC Fix: untimely disconnection in case of network inactivity
TCC Fix: embedded config overwrite the existing
v16.6.2.5 (02/02/2023)
TMMS Notify administrators when a subscription exceeds the maximum number of organizers
TMMS Fix: failure to delete account under certain conditions
TMMS Fix: CSV export of meetings (columns inversion and wrong end date of the period)
TMMS Fix: patch on the behavior of web pages when reloading a page
TMMS performance improvements:
Database transactions management optimization and improvement
Optimization of DB requests for several services (meeting, contact…)
Management of TCS server data in memory (instead of the database)
User cache: add an application cache to store some user data and thus avoid too frequent access to the database
Websocket management: reduce PingPong threads pool size
TMMS Upgraded several libraries
v16.6.2.4 (13/10/2022)
TMMS Fix: TCS in rejected state after a backup period of the TMMS
TMMS Enforcement in the management of access to conversations and messages
TCS Fix: Windows: User tixeotcs not created at update if missing
TCC Fix: Windows: Mouse scrolling does not work on a screen with DPI>100%
v16.6.2.3 (12/08/2022)
TMMS Update tomcat to version 9.0.65
TMMS Upgraded several libraries
TCS Update OpenSSL version to 1.1.1q
TCC Update OpenSSL version to 1.1.1q
TMMS Fix several issues on big deployment:
Optimization of database queries
Changes in the online status manager
TMMS Add the creator in the meeting export
TMMS Allow to log slow SQL queries in log file
TMMS Fix: Linux: Check database startup failed on installer and updater
TMMS Fix: Slow database transactions for some webservices
TMMS Fix: Several statistics issues:
No statistics for trial subscriptions
Use TMMS database for user statistics
v16.6.2.0 (20/06/2022)
TMMS Integration of the new Tixeo Metrics Server
Add dedicated metrics and statistics pages for users, subscription managers and administrators
Add dedicated pages for meeting quality analysis (QoS score, bandwidth usage)
TMMS Bulk remove users using a CSV file
TMMS Admin pages: Identify the meeting accessibility settings
TMMS Optimize getting settings from database
TCC iOS, Android, OSX: Boost UI rendering performances (use of Skia engine with GPU acceleration)
TCC Android: Can now use Bluetooth audio input/output devices
TixeoGateway Now completely available on Linux (TixeoCloud only for now)
TMMS Fix: Several LDAP issues:
Synchronization of contact list failed with LDAP group
LDAP user added as organizer not visible in the list of organizers
Error message when changing LDAP settings
TMMS Fix: GDPR related HTML text not displayed correctly
TMMS Fix: Number of organizers is not updated when changed
TMMS Fix: Performance issue on Scrypt hashing
TCS Fix: Windows: Service start failed because before network service is started
TCS Fix: Linux: Wrong value set for Organization for CSR generation during installation
TCS Fix: Websocket timeouts not detected
TCC Fix: Contacts list filtering is not efficient
TCC Fix: Call button available on a contact even if user is not organizer
TCC Fix: Discussions tab enabled while feature disabled
TCC Fix: Trial link not internationalized
TCC Fix: Wrong date format in activity tab
TCC Fix: Meeting button Create again does not work
TCC Fix: Minimized when launched from invitation link
TCC Fix: Icons color may be incorrect
TCC Fix: The segments of long conversation message are received in wrong order
TCC Fix: Crash when click Answer button on new message notification
TCC Fix: In meeting details, the list of attendees is not sorted
TCC Fix: Wrong moderation icon in discussion
TCC Fix: Drag files while in meeting does not display chat
TCC Fix: Android: Speaker sound is too low
TCC Fix: Android: Notifications may fail on first app start
TCC Fix: Android: No screen activation on call for some devices
TCC Fix: Android: When editing a meeting, attendees are not updated
TCC Fix: Android: Screen sharing fails
TCC Fix: iOS: App can not run if iOS version ≤ 14
TCC Fix: OSX: Can not share secondary screen
TCC Fix: Windows: Green screen with Jabra Panacast series
TixeoGateway Fix: Can not see sharing (H.239) from H.323/SIP
TMMS Improve XSS related protection
TMMS Upgraded several libraries
v16.6.1.2 (04/04/2022)
TCC Fix: iOS: Microphone does not work for the user who picks up the call when the app was not launched
TCC Fix: iOS: Contact filter does not work
v16.6.1.1 (29/03/2022)
TCC iOS: Notifications
TCC Fix: iOS: Back camera selected by default
v16.6.1.0 (28/02/2022)
TMMS Improve installers/updaters (check JDK name, database startup, backup database temporary log file)
TMMS Clarified admin guide concerning GDPR settings
TCC Home screen now shows upcoming meetings (in addition to those in progress)
TMMS Fix: Sometimes ended meetings are still visible
TMMS Fix: Bad status for TCS after a network interruption or pause of the TMMS server
TMMS Fix: Missing display of checkbox for some features
TMMS Fix: Subscription manager could not see the details of meetings in progress
TCC Fix: Can not use Philips Speech Mike series anymore
TCC Fix: CentOS and Red Hat family not working anymore
TMMS Track organizers list change actions in the admin log file, even for subscription managers
TMMS Remove some unused Javascript libraries
TMMS Improve XSS related protection on users import
v16.6.0.4 (11/02/2022)
TMMS Add file in resources directory with build info
TMMS Fix: List of attendees in meeting details are not sorted
TCC Fix: Android: Meeting notification fails on version < Oreo
TCC Fix: Burger menu doesn’t overlay on mobile devices when in portrait
TCC Fix: Android (32 bits only): Burger menu sub-tabs broken
TCC Fix: Bug report (progress bar) may occur during TCS evaluation
v16.6.0.3 (02/02/2022)
TMMS Improve concurrent transactions
TMMS Add number of used seats in the meeting list of the statistics page
TMMS Fix: Number of seats not valid when creating meeting
TMMS Fix: Favicon not displayed
TMMS Fix: Failure when removing meet directory during update
TMMS Fix: Failed to send an email for recurring meetings
TCS Fix: Possible reconnections issues after inactivity
v16.6.0.2 (24/01/2022)
TMMS Fix: Error message in log NPE on subscription summary page
TMMS Fix: Error message in log NPE on disconnection from WebRtc
TixeoOutlookPlugin Fix: Plugin fails on some Outlook 32 bits due to wrong dll target
v16.6.0.1 (21/01/2022)
TCC Fix: Windows: Proxy settings incorrectly read from system
TCC Fix: macOS: Touchpad & mouse wheel not working with high DPI
v16.6.0.0 (20/01/2022)
TMMS Database now auto-upgrades itself, so incremental updates are not required anymore
TMMS Drastic performance optimizations
TMMS Transmit activities and meeting history to the TCC
TMMS Push realtime notifications for mobiles (if connected to a Tixeo push gateway)
TMMS Add an option to change the meeting restart strategy on TCS fault
TMMS GDPR: disclaimer is now customizable
TMMS GDPR: auto-purge of inactive users
TMMS Add extra information to organizers and users exports (csv)
TMMS Bulk remove of organizers from a csv file
TMMS Add a search field for the list of organizers
TMMS Sort the list of subscriptions alphabetically for the subscription managers
TMMS Add default language selector in settings (for LDAP authentication)
TMMS Add Hungarian and completed Czech language
TMMS Support of Debian 11
TMMS Statistics are now available on a separate page
TCS Add QoS score in logs from 1 to 5 for each meeting participant
TCS Support of Debian 11
TCC New control center
TCC Activities and notifications
TCC Infos about missed and rejected calls
TCC Meeting history
TCC Android: Receive Tixeo calls and messages even when app is not running
TCC Highlight talking participant
TCC Add a silent mode setting to disable notifications sound
TixeoOutlookPlugin Plugin now available for Outlook 64 bits
TMMS Fix: Failed to delete a user in some other circumstances
TMMS Fix: Failed to delete a contact in some circumstances
TMMS Fix: TMMS service user account expires on Windows
TMMS Fix: Link in the email for recordings, sometimes opens the wrong recording
TMMS Fix: Timezone not set after validating user account
TMMS Fix: Some users can access the "Old browser page" even if not using IE
TMMS Fix: IE not always rejected
TMMS Fix: Websocket connection break between TCC and TMMS not always detected
TMMS Fix: Windows: Tomcat9 service sometimes start too soon
TMMS Fix: Update Tomcat to correct EDOMParseError on some contacts
TCC Fix: Nobody has moderation when entering a conference whereas being a legitimate organizer
TCC Fix: Windows screens ordering is incorrect
TCC Fix: File transfer permission issue
TCC Fix: Moderation right icon not updated when moderation changed
TCC Fix: Incorrect contact status icon in contact list (color)
TCC Fix: Android: App is frozen on Xiaomi A2 with Android 9
TCC Fix: Chat messages not always displayed at bottom
TCC Fix: Sometimes the buttons to remove all crowns or delete all contacts no longer work
TCC Fix: The add all button not working when there are more than 100 contacts in the list
TCC Fix: iOS: Text edit ugly in dark mode
TCC Fix: Tray icon is not always visible
TCC Fix: Crash on loss of connection to the TMMS
TCC Fix: Single quote in the name of a customer breaks the theme
TixeoOutlookPlugin Fix: Check max length of meeting subject
TMMS Fix: Issue in Log4j library (CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105, CVE-2021-44832)
TMMS Reflected XSS with redirect parameter
TMMS Add 5 seconds delay for authentication when brute force is detected
TMMS Change the way an admin can activate / change password of a user
TMMS Upgrade JDK version to the latest LTS (17)
TMMS Restrict autoconfig of firewall rule for outbound
TCS Update OpenSSL version to 1.1.1l
TCS Restrict autoconfig of firewall for TCS to 443 only
TCC Modify websockets endpoints
TCC Fix: Slow SSL handshake for POP evaluation requests
TCC Fix: In-meeting chat crashing with character flood
TCC Fix: Group discussion text crashing on input validation
TCC Update OpenSSL version to 1.1.1l
v16.5.1.3 (15/12/2021)
TMMS Improve TMMS performance
TMMS Add log for database pool in SYSLOG
TMMS Fix: Failed to create a meeting in some cases
TMMS Fix: Failed to delete a user
TMMS Fix: UTF-8 encoding issues
TMMS Fix: Recurring events have wrong offset in Outlook
TMMS Fix: TMMS timeout when rescheduling recurring meeting or creating new meeting
TMMS Fix: Redirection to meeting page after login fails, behind a proxy
TMMS Fix: No notifyPopList on TCS connection in some cases
TMMS Fix: Can’t stop meeting from statistics view
TMMS Fix: Issue in Log4j library (CVE-2021-44228)
TMMS Fix: Several other security enforcements (contact us for details)
v16.5.1.2 (09/09/2021)
TMMS Fix: Wrong characters in Hungarian translations file
TMMS Fix: WebRTC gateway is not shutdown properly
TMMS Fix: WebRTC meeting is stopped after a small delay
TCC Fix: Android: App cannot connect on TMMS with trusted certificate in personal store
v16.5.1.1 (31/08/2021)
TMMS update is required because of DB changes. |
The version includes all changes done in version v16.5.1.0 with some small additional fixes |
TMMS Added Hungarian language (for web page only)
TCS Improved logs for wrong QoS info
TMMS Fix: Failed to remove user having contacts (triggers an exception)
TMMS Fix: TCS connectivity is evaluated even if we have a single zone
TMMS Fix: The sentences describing the choices for accessing a meeting are not easily readable
TCS Fix: Installer does not include zip dependency
TCC Fix: Android: Can’t switch to another meeting when already connected
TMMS Improvement of CAPTCHA brute-force protection
TMMS Corrected 404 error page in installer config
v16.5.1.0 (built on 16/08/2021 - released in
TMMS Configuration of Mobile realtime notifications (calls, messages…)
TMMS Send an additional reminder email 1 week before the end of the subscription
TMMS Add support of authentication for remote storage
TMMS WebRTC client has now a compatible text chat feature
TMMS WebRTC client can now be moderated in a compatible way
TMMS WebRTC client audio/video device selection
TMMS WebRTC client UI clean-up
TMMS Trials (TixeoCloud) now have Recording and WebRTC by default
TMMS Clarified meeting connection tunnel when connecting from a link
TMMS Add new webservice capability for admins
TMMS Improve perfs of DB connections
TixeoGateway Extend WebRTC gateway capabilities (chat, rights…)
TCC Android: Mobile realtime notifications (calls, messages…)
TCC Removed "Unlimited duration" option for meetings
TMMS Fix: Websocket notified before state changed (calls connection problem…)
TMMS Fix: Header size is too small for some custom themes
TMMS Fix: Some information are not readable in meeting invitation email for some custom themes
TMMS Fix: Amount of organizers not updated when changing subscription
TMMS Fix: When modifying a trial subscription with a valid subscription, the trial flag is not updated
TMMS Fix: Delete meeting button does not work on "Maintenance" page
TMMS Fix: Storage (Recordings) retention configuration could not be updated
TCS Fix: In conference mode, rights (ex: micro muted) are not restored after reconnection
TixeoGateway Fix: Potential state problem when receiving an unexpected command from TCC
TixeoGateway Fix: Gateway resource reset script fails when run with elevated privileges
TCC Fix: Number of attendees in a meeting now readable when more than 100
TCC Fix: Meeting number icon in menu is only refreshed when clicking on it
TCC Fix: Android screen capture does not work anymore
TCC Fix: Connect button should be greyed when already reconnecting
TCC Fix: Corrected several memory leaks on audio/video streams
TMMS Previous password is now asked before changing it
TMMS Add logs on email sending
TMMS Add logs on Exception for REST services
TMMS Several other security enforcements (contact us for details)
v16.5.0.6 (29/07/2021)
TMMS update is required because of DB changes. |
TMMS Update of the webapp server
TMMS Enhanced cache to speedup some webservice calls
TCC Clarify meeting mode participant limit messages
TMMS Fix: WebRTC initialisation sometimes fail
TMMS Fix: WebRTC doesn’t work when no UDP
TCC Fix: On Linux, edits have a strange behaviour
TMMS A CAPTCHA is now asked after several wrong authentications to increase anti-bruteforce protection
TMMS Several other security enforcements (contact us for details)
TCS Several other security enforcements (contact us for details)
TCC Several other security enforcements (contact us for details)
v16.5.0.5 (24/06/2021)
TMMS Organizers list can now be exported even if a subscription has ended
TMMS Improve zone selection by sending a second TCS (if available) to evaluate per zone
TMMS Fix: Can’t invite a new LDAP/AD user if email server not configured
TMMS Fix: Fails on CSV import of organizers already present in another subscription
TMMS Fix: Fails on CSV import of more than 200 organizers
TMMS Fix: Notification of a new pending contact is never sent through websocket
TMMS Fix: User authentication token wrong and not renewed after TMMS restart
TMMS Fix: Calendar notifications for meeting cancellation should not be sent to myself if I am the organizer
TMMS Fix: The message informing that the invitation is personal, is not present in the text (not HTML) version of the invitation email
TMMS Fix: An exception is shown when setting an empty value in file storage retention
TixeoGateway Fix: Some recordings don’t have the video, just the sound
TMMS Adapted configuration to show our custom error page in all situations
TMMS Metrics pages now require a higher role to be accessed
TMMS Added more verifications on user invitation for a meeting joined by WebRTC
v16.5.0.4 (27/05/2021)
TMMS Fix: Possible situation where a new meeting attendee can’t be added because of a duplicated PIN code
TMMS Fix: Video not visible when connecting from WebRTC from an iPhone
TMMS Fix: On some themes, text readability is complex because of bad contrast
TMMS Fix: An email is being sent to all attendees when calling a new user (this shouldn’t happen)
TCC Fix: Linux random crash stack overflow on
TCC Fix: Text related to specific recurrence not visible anymore (white on white)
v16.5.0.3 (06/05/2021)
TMMS Improve positioning and visibility of the logo
TMMS Corrected some German translations
TMMS Trials are now available with Recording and WebRTC
TMMS Fix: WebRTC client does not connect at all
TMMS Fix: WebRTC client audio is sometimes very poor
TMMS Fix: Reimporting users don’t resend activation email anymore
TixeoOutlookPlugin Fix: Can’t invite participants with uppercase emails
TMMS Fix: CVE-TMMS-20210429
v16.5.0.1 (23/04/2021)
TMMS Fix: WebRTC client does not connect when TMMS is slow
TMMS Fix: CreateMeeting fails for large meetings when TMMS is slow
TMMS Fix: PIN code access should not be enabled by default
TMMS Fix: Features are wrong when not enabled on both global and subscription
v16.5.0.0 (22/04/2021)
TMMS update is required because of DB changes. |
TMMS New UI/UX of the TMMS, with a more modern look&feel
TMMS Subscription page: Show the number of organizers
TMMS Subscription page: Show a warning if more organizers than permitted
TCC New UI/UX of the client
Complete redesign of the client UI, with a more modern look&feel
The side menu has been thoroughly reworked to ease access on mobiles as well as on desktops
TCC Added in the title bar, the subject and organizer name of the meeting in which we are connected
TCC Shared application border now changes from orange to green when remote control is given
TMMS Simplification of meeting access
You can now enable a feature to authorize connecting to a meeting without a user account (access with PIN code for meetings with Standard level of security)
You can now enable a feature to allow connecting directly from the web browser (using WebRTC through a TixeoGateway for meetings with Standard level of security)
TMMS Export list of organizers for a subscription
TMMS Removed meeting scheduling from web pages
TMMS Added download link for OpenSuse RPM package
TMMS Read LDAP/AD preferredLanguage to set user language when available
TMMS Checksum of a recording is now available
TMMS Calendar meeting visibility is now configurable (private or public) and set in ical
TMMS Manage different links (FQDN) for internal and public access
TMMS Admin: Export list of all users
TMMS Admin: Disabling a TCS re-affects all meetings to other TCS
TMMS Linux: Update from TMMS package is now possible
TMMS (disabled) Push notification for mobiles
TixeoGateway Now partially available on Linux (TixeoCloud only for now)
TixeoGateway Add WebRTC connector
TCC Simplification of meeting access
If enabled on the TMMS, an organizer can set up a meeting with a Standard level of security (rather than High)
In that case, the meeting can be accessed without a user account (access with PIN code)
TCC Added a warning to inform the organizers if he is inviting more people than recommended for a meeting mode
TCC Added option AutoAnswer in config.ini to enable auto answer on a received call (disabled by default)
TCC Linux: Added keyboard control when giving remote control of a sharing
TCC Android: (disabled) Receive push notifications to receive calls and messages when app not launched
TixeoOutlookPlugin Added appointment location information and set to Tixeo online meeting
TMMS Fix: Is some extremely rare occasions invitation and validation emails gets mixed up
TMMS Fix: CSS and JS problem with cache not updated
TMMS Fix: Call sometimes fails even when accepted by callee (AKA: Alone in the call)
TMMS Fix: Can’t add a user if has some special characters in his email address (& +)
TMMS Fix: Trying to start meetings on a lost TCS
TMMS Fix: When a TCS is disabled, the relay connection path of a user is not updated
TMMS Fix: TCS connection state sometimes wrong after TMMS restart
TMMS Fix: TMMS really very slow to stop
TMMS Fix: IE still accepted on join meeting page
TMMS Fix: TCS set in advance on recurring meetings
TMMS Fix: LDAP Group in contact list not working with OpenLDAP
TMMS Fix: First name and last name are not updated on TMMS when changed in LDAP/AD
TMMS Fix: Meeting creation can be very long when having a lot have participants because of email sending
TMMS Fix: Meeting modification email is not sent when meeting’s subject is updated
TMMS Fix: Import organizers in the subscription page shows an error when organizer already exists
TMMS Fix: Recurrent meeting link is wrong after first occurrence
TMMS Fix: User authentication token wrong and not renewed after TMMS restart
TMMS Fix: Trial subscriptions can’t change associated features (file transfer, H.323…)
TMMS Fix: Replyto not set when receiving an account validation email
TCC Fix: Arrows to change month not visible on calendar during meeting scheduling
TCC Fix: Recording progress animation never stops when no TixeoRecordingServer is available
TCC Fix: Sent keys are incorrect on cross-platform when giving remote control of a sharing
TCC Fix: Invited all my contacts! Button should be only available when a filter is set
TCC Fix: Can’t add a user if has some special characters in his email address (& +)
TCC Fix: Client automatically connects on time when clicking link before meeting starts
TCC Fix: File transfer drag&drop doesn’t work with spaces in the file name
TCC Fix: Detach buttons should not be available when in kiosk mode (i.e. VideoTouch)
TCC Fix: New meeting not notified if re-invited in same meeting after having been removed
TCC Fix: Windows key should not be sent through application sharing (only desktop sharing)
TCC Fix: In meeting edition view, the recurrence field is not large enough to read
TCC Fix: Some test data are sometimes visible on a contacts view
TixeoOutlookPlugin Fix: Outlook appointment formatting is lost when opened while Tixeo plugin enabled (Ticket #692653)
TMMS Anonymization of meeting subject in logs (replaced by meeting unique id)
TMMS Improve admin logs with info about TCS validation
TMMS Added a log to know who or why a meeting is stopped
TMMS Added a privacy policy link to redirect to some custom privacy policy page and shown during user account validation for acceptation
TCC Privacy: Added a setting to disable microphone and camera before entering a meeting
Description for Google and Apple stores
Simplification of meeting access - access a meeting without a user account (access with PIN code) - access a meeting directly from the web browser using WebRTC Completely new UI/UX of the Tixeo client and the TMMS
Simplification de l'accès aux réunions - accès à une réunion sans compte utilisateur (accès avec un code PIN) - accès à une réunion directement depuis le navigateur en utilisant WebRTC Toute nouvelle interface utilisateur du client Tixeo et du TMMS
v16.0.2.0 (23/03/2021)
TMMS Add new logs for zone evaluation (and meeting connection path) of the client for a user
TMMS Add zone information on the user page
TMMS Add new TCS filter on maintenance page
TMMS Add meeting creation date on meeting details page
TMMS Reduce session timeout to 20 minutes to limit memory load
TCC Add tolerance on SVCoD scaling (reduces CPU and bandwidth load)
TCS Fix: on W3DServer, TMMS certificate verification fails
TixeoGateway Fix: IP configuration not shown when installing in PSTN mode
TCC Fix: Client doesn’t send TCS evaluation to TMMS (leads to zone selection problems)
v16.0.1.2 (11/02/2021)
TMMS update is required because of DB changes. |
TCC Replaced confusing "Speakers" icon by "Microphone" icon when muting local microphone
TMMS TixeoRecordingServer fault tolerance (recording started on another server in case of crash)
TCS Increase QoS logging to once per minute
TCS Added ULScore and DLScore in QoS Logs
TCS Increase inactivity detection to 7 seconds before disconnecting a client
TCC Increase QoS logging to once per minute
TCC Added ULScore and DLScore in QoS Logs
TCC Increase inactivity detection to 7 seconds before disconnecting
TMMS Fix: Invitation email link doesn’t work (MeetingId is wrong + login not set and causes disconnection)
TMMS Fix: Accounts created from OpenLDAP don’t retrieve user’s firstname (givenname) and lastname (sn)
TMMS Fix: Bug on API updateMeeting when setting null value
TMMS Fix: User connection zone not updated for started meetings when user zone changes
TMMS Fix: Login page overrides correct detected timezone
TMMS Fix: Meeting moderation delegation icon "crown" not shown correctly
TMMS Fix: Users with Exchange accounts receive recurrent meeting invitation with "not supported calendar message.ics"
TMMS Fix: Removing a co-organizer from a meeting results in cancellation of the meeting
TMMS Fix: Removing a co-organizer from a subscription results in cancellation of some meetings
TCS Fix: Can connect multiple time with same login on same meeting if diff in login (upper case)
TixeoGateway Fix: Large recording files may be duplicated on TMMS storage
TCC Fix: Contact list is sometimes shown on 2 columns
TCC Fix: On Windows, if client is "closed/reduced in tray" while in settings, client keeps capturing the microphone and webcam
TCC Fix: On Windows, no blurring of overlapping application when sharing an application in "Multimedia mode"
TCC Fix: On macOS, Tixeo notifications gives focus to TCC even when using any other application
TCC Fix: On iOS app, received sharing stays grey
TCC Fix: On iOS app, reconnection view is not sized correctly
TCC Fix: On VideoTouch, on the control screen, shown videos have incorrect scaling
TCC Fix: On VideoTouch, on the control screen, all icons are to big
TCC Fix: On VideoTouch, on the TV screens, resolution is too low
TCC Fix: On VideoTouch, when entering a fusion communication, no videos are displayed
TMMS Invalidate user token on password change
TMMS Reduce verbosity of logs concerning webservice calls
TCC On Linux, remove old unused dependency to libJPEG that have known CVE
v16.0.1.0 (17/12/2020)
TCS Meeting can now be directly scheduled from a group discussion
TMMS Fix: Subscription manager can edit features whereas only admin should
TMMS Fix: Strange characters shown on features page
TCS Fix: Incorrect timezone format sent by system on foreign Windows causes error on meeting creation
v16.0.0.0 (15/12/2020)
TMMS update is required because of DB changes. |
TMMS Simplified general features management
TMMS Show number of participants in a meeting
TMMS Show past meetings
TMMS Display last login date of a user
TMMS Display user features in user page
TMMS Simplified first deployment, meeting connection and TMMS switch workflow
TCC Automatic reconnection
TCC Multi-screen tactile control
TCC In-meeting Watermark
TCC Invite several contacts/attendees by adding several emails at once
TCC Show when websocket disconnected
TCC Replaced technical disconnection message by one understandable by all
TCC Changed "Message" to "Group discussions" and changed some icons
TCC Top in-meeting menu bar is now always visible (unless switching to fullscreen)
TCC Rights change notification are now silent
TMMS Linux version officially available
TMMS Technical merge of Cloud and OnPrem branches
TMMS Onpremise Recording
TMMS Features management by subscription
TixeoGateway Onpremise Recording
TixeoGateway Update VAC to latest release
TCS Linux version officially available
TCC Multimedia sharing
TCC Add a config file option to disable auto-updates
TMMS Correct user timezone management
TMMS Workaround Outlook timezone
TMMS Fix: Password unwanted change when changing user information
TMMS Completely remove support of old buggy IE
TMMS User is now created when adding a participant in a conversation
TMMS Fix: TMMS can’t start if connected LDAP/AD is down
TCS Fix: Config "" parsing problem causing never ending calls
TCC Correct user timezone management
TCC Fix: Can’t create a meeting with custom recurrence
TCC Fix: Fusion bubbles creation after audio starts on low bandwidth
TCC Fix: Crash message on Windows stop
TCC Fix: iOS hangup requires clicking twice on button
TCC Fix: Can’t update meeting mode before meeting started
TCC Fix: On macOS a transparent TCC window is present on top left corner of the screen and intercepts clicks
TCC Fix: Crash on macOS Big Sur (also fixed in v15.2.3, never released but with macOS installer pushed on some servers)
TCC Fix: Close settings view when close (reduce) TCC, to avoid keeping capturing webcam
TMMS Token authentication
TMMS Syslog over TCP
TCS Syslog over TCP
TCC Additional mem cleaning of potential hashed credentials
TCC Token authentication
TCC Syslog over TCP
TCC Android now targeting SDK 29
v15.2.2.0 (10/11/2020)
TMMS update is required because of DB changes. |
The version includes all changes done in version v15.5.0.0 minus Token authentication |
TMMS Fix: websocket notification pb when TCC logged with username of linked LDAP/AD
TMMS Fix: Import organisers and contacts from CSV on Windows fails
TCS Fix: metaserver killing meeting at end of meeting time
TCS Fix: "ghost" connections (timeout after 10-15 min)
TCC Fix: Some German translations are wrong
TCC Fix: ~1 min lock on lost websocket
TCC Fix: Calendar buttons visibility
TCC Fix: Android: Low audio volume on some devices
TCC Fix: Linux: Pb. with OpenSSL on Debian9
TCC Fix: MacOS: Pb. with OpenSSL on macOS Sierra and High Sierra
TMMS Password complexity is now configurable
TMMS CSR generated during installation now includes SAN (SubjectAltName required by Apple)
TMMS Limit ports opening towards Tomcat in Windows FW during installation to 80 and 443
TMMS Log rotation and retention is now done by an external task (works with tomcat service stopped)
TMMS TCS with same FQDN now needs to be validated again if IP has changed
TMMS Removed some incorrect logged user information in logs
TMMS Update tomcat to version 9.0.37 because of CVE-2020-13935
TMMS Add last login information for each user
TCS Hardening and signing of binaries and libs (Windows, Linux)
TCS Recompile openssl with latest updated ANSSI recommendations
TCC Hardening and signing of binaries and libs (Windows, macOS and Linux)
TCC Recompile openssl with latest updated ANSSI recommendations
TCC Force using HTTPS in all situations even if user sets an HTTP TMMS address
TCC Drag&Drop file transfer correctly blocked if users does not have rights to share